Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Original Prima Donna

First and foremost, "Prima Donna" is an Italian word for "First Lady", it's just that many Operatic Sopranos from the older days made the word synonymous to women who are temperamental, stubborn, vain, conceited et cetera. As I was blog hopping to the bag hag diaries, I found this picture of a birthday gift that was given by the oh so fabulous Imelda Marcos.

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Mrs. Marcos is such a diva. Now I have an idea on what I should give as presents to friends hahaha. I'll have my most fabulous picture printed, framed and signed and give it to a friend who's having a birthday. Well I did that back in college hahaha, but not as a birthday gift. I gave pictures of me in my most glamorous state and wrote a dedication on it as a parting gift to some of my college cliques hahaha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im a prima donna.